On solid rock and floating ice, the musketeers have paid a price, to three wise men and three blind mice
Lost in a stolen desert lies, the apple of their inner eyes, which Newton's levity defies.
Still, ABC and XYZ, down bifurcating pathways led, and came to rest, once quick, now dead.
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BODY:MIND:SPIRIT is the third album of the Purple musical project. Nearly two years in the creation, this is the most ambitious album yet, both in musical diversity and production values. The focus is on the number three, on trilogies, on triplicates and on triplets. There are three tracks, with nine sections each: three groups of three. Each section (well nearly all) is 3 minutes long, making a whopping 80 minutes of music in total. The breakdown: 1 BODY (1.1-1.3) Triple Point 1.1 Flow 1.2 Fly 1.3 Freeze (1.4-1.6) TARDIS 1.4 Left-Hand System 1.5 Tick-Ticking away 1.6 Bifurcating Trousers (1.7-1.9) The Unified Field Theory 1.7 Zap 1.8 Poles Apart 1.9 The Earth Sucks 2 MIND (2.1-2.3) Black Box 2.1 We Can Work It Out 2.2 I Can See Clearly Now 2.3 Thanks For The Memories (2.4-2.6) The Scientific Method 2.4 Physical Acts 2.5 Biological Imperative 2.6 Chemical Attraction (2.7-2.9) Terpsichore 2.7 Hit It! 2.8 An Harmonic History 2.9 The Rutland Reel 3 SPIRIT (3.1-3.3) The Trinity 3.1 Abba 3.2 The Word 3.3 The Comforter (3.4-3.6) The Temptations 3.4 The Lust Of The Flesh 3.5 The Lust Of The Eyes 3.6 The Pride Of Life (3.7-3.9) The Pilgrim's Progress 3.7 Darkness 3.8 180 3.9 The Gleaming Cube |
CreditsThis album has used numerous sound effects from various sources:
In a few places there are musical nods, tributes, lines or small sections taken from teh work of other people. I would hate for credit to not go where it is due, and so here is a list of this petty theft
And finally I would like to acknowledge that the tune Seaton Sluice used in section 2.9 is by Dan Hodgson and Kathy Clegg, and that the album features additional vocals by Sammy and Lizzie Hodgson |
BMS explained in depth(This will come later. If you want an in-depth explanation early, you will need to take part in the viral marketing game) |